Squad Project


The Sorted Food Cook Book Collection... created by you!!!

About the project

At Sorted HQ, we spend a lot of time trying out new recipes. Our community had been asking for cookbooks so they can try Sorted Food-style meals at home. We wanted to make this happen, but finding the right publishing deal would take over a year... That's not generally how we work!

We thought about self-publishing, but it was risky - we didn't know if enough people would want a cookbook to cover the costs of producing one. So, we decided to try crowdfunding on Kickstarter. In just two days, our incredible community helped us reach our fundraising goal, which meant we could finally make our first cookbook!

To show our gratitude, we credited each backer in the book, sent them a signed copy, and even hosted a supper club to celebrate together. Some supporters travelled thousands of miles to join us! It was an amazing achievement, all thanks to our wonderful community.

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