Traditional Chocolate Mousse

A true classic. Just one mouthful of this decadent chocolate dessert will be enough to convince you never to buy chocolate mousse from the supermarket ever again! Of course, you'll have to use the recipe below in order to find out for yourself just what it's like...

Traditional Chocolate Mousse


250 g dark chocolate
300 ml double cream
2 tsp caster sugar
1 tbsp vanilla paste
2 large eggs
50 g shortbread to serve

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Break the chocolate into squares or small chunks. Put a medium saucepan over a medium-high heat and pour in the cream. Bring it to just below a simmer, remove from the heat and add the chocolate, sugar and vanilla paste. Leave for a few minutes then stir everything together to fully incorporate the chocolate (put it back over a very low heat if the chocolate doesn't melt fully). Chill in the fridge for 2 hours.
Separate the eggs and place the whites into a clean mixing bowl. Use a kMix Hand Mixer to whisk them to stiff peaks then use the same whisk in the chilled chocolate cream to soften and aerate to soft peaks. Fold the egg whites into the cream, 1/3 at a time.
Scoop the mousse into small individual ramekins or glasses and chill in the fridge for another 2 hours.
Serve once the mousse has set, crumbling over the shortbread just before you do. Serves 4

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